
●Delivery is free of charge. arrows M04/M04 Premium/Tone Mobile TONE M17 Notebook Type Case
●A durable UV-curable ink is applied to the folio case as the base. ※It is a print of a one-point pattern. (Same pattern on both sides) A hard case for specific models is fitted inside the notebook type case
●Protects phone from scratches, stains and minor impact. Prevents accidental texts and calls when in bag or pocket. Magnetic closure for easy opening and closing! Interior card pockets and free pockets. (The shape of the belt and card pocket may differ from the image. )
●Since there is a hole in the rear camera part and the inner panel, you can take pictures and use the volume button, earphones etc. while the case is attached. Smartphones can be charged with the case attached using a charging cable. (Magnetic charging, wireless charging, tabletop holders, etc. cannot be used; Other special functions specific to the model may not be used.) *Smartphone/mobile phone not included with the product
●Material: Notebook part/synthetic leather Case part/polycarbonate Treatment: UV curable ink *The posted image is a sample image. Please be aware that the design of the case (shape of the camera opening, etc.) may be different. ※As this is a made-to-order product, returns and exchanges made at the behest of the customer due to differences, etc. between the image and differences between the camera opening and the shape of the case from the image and the image is not accepted. ※We will only accept exchanges due to the wrong model in case of an unopened, so please contact us

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