
●[Free Shipping] Notebook style case is painted with durable UV curable ink, Notebook type case attached to a specific model hard case (one-point printing/same pattern on both sides)
●Magnetic strap for easy opening and closing; Protects phone from scratches and dirt and minor impact. Convenient card pocket and free pocket (shape of belt and card pocket may vary from image image) *The inside of the notebook case is either clear, white, or black and cannot be specified
●Since there is a hole in the rear camera part and the inner panel, you can take photos and fingerprint authentication, operate the volume, earphone microphone, etc. while the case is attached. Smartphones can be charged with the case attached using a charging cable. (Magnetic chargers, wireless chargers, tabletop holders, etc. cannot be used; Case may interfere with the case depending on the shape and thickness of the glass film used. Other special functions that are specific to the model.)
●Since this is a made-to-order product, returns and refunds are not accepted for any reason. *The posted image is an image of a similar opening model. Due to the nature of selling on the internet, the actual product may appear slightly different from the product depending on the brightness of your computer, tablet, or smartphone etc. In addition, the design of the case (shape of the camera part and side button opening) may change without prior notice depending on the arrival date. Please be aware of We will ask you to understand and agree at the time of confirming your order
●Materials: Notebook part/synthetic leather Case part/Polycarbonate Treatment/UV hardening ink

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