
●Color: Black
●Size: M
●Material: Cowhide leather


Product description

Leather mesh gloves with protector

Not only does it enhance your sense of security, it also
Fits to the knuckles so you wont feel compressive.
If you are concerned about wearing your palms because they always come in contact with your grip,
Leather Reinforcement
It is designed to provide both grip and durability.
"Outer seam" for increased fingertips sensitivity
The wrist is easy to put on with the Velcro closure, making it easy to use.
Mesh fingers on the fingers of the palm.
Allows cool air to enter and reduce stuffiness inside the gloves.
Perfect gloves for spring and summer touring.


▼経年変化やご使用による製品の劣化· 損耗は避けられません。 ▼耐久性には十分考慮しておりますが、 過度な負担をかけたり 使用方法が適切でない場合 破損する恐れがございます。 ▼同じ製品であってもそのシワやヒビの 入り方にはそれぞれ個体差があり、 またその革固有のキズ·色合いの 濃淡など個性がございます。 ▼製作時期によっても革の風合いに 若干の差異が生じることが 御座いますので予めご了承くださいませ。