
●This sheet features a luxurious sheen
●The design is also checked, diamond cut, tack roll and eye-catching pattern
●This season is a lineup of 3 types: check/red, diamond-cut/green, tack roll/orange, and photos
●Dedicated to 5L frame*Cannot be poured on 4L frame! Forward stays need to be expanded, but the rear stays will be far away and you need to DIY installation stays separately

[tack roll  & orange]

[check  & red]

[diamond  & green]


Product description

KEPSPEED also comes with exterior!!

This sheet features a luxurious sheen.
The design is also checked, diamond cut, tack roll and eye-catching pattern.
We hope that each pattern has a color combination, but this season is a lineup of 3 types: check/red, diamond cut/green, tack roll/orange, and the photo above.

【Installation Instruction】
Dedicated to 5L frame*Cannot be poured on 4L frame! Forward stays need to be expanded, but the rear stays will be far away and you need to DIY installation stays separately.
The stays on the back of the seat may have a tight bend R Adjust to fit the frame width of the monkey to be installed.
Stays are installed from the beginning, but please note that excessive tightening torque may damage the seat base.
There may be slight changes in specifications for each product. Please understand that there may be slight differences in the product image.
Please assemble it at a specialist shop for motorcycle maintenance.
Please pay attention to the so-called "initial looseness" occurrence and perform frequent inspections to avoid unexpected troubles.



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