
●Natural texture linen-like sunshade: The weft is made of cotton blend yarn, and contains neps, strands, and fibers that are unique to natural materials, so you can enjoy a rare and natural feel in the sunshade. (Heat Shielding Effects for Cooling Sunshading) The back is woven with bright thread (glossy thread) like a mirror lace curtain, so you can feel a cool space like you are in the shade. It is recommended for gardens with a veranda, balcony or wood deck with moderate air permeability
●UV Protection & Water Repellent: The sunshade prevents discoloration of furniture and carpet caused by sunburn, and the water-repellent fabric protects your laundry from sudden rain. (Reliable Quality Made in Japan) The fabric is knitted, dyed, and sewed all in Fukui Prefecture. High quality Japanese sunshade with a supple feel and design. [Size Order with Detailed Designation] You can order in 3.9 inches (10 cm) increments to fit various sizes, such as home sweeping windows and store entrances. You can also specify 0.4 inch (1 cm) increments. Please contact us if you want
●[Features] UV Protection Rate: 85.1% Heat Shielding Rate: 36.1% Water Repellent Grade: 3 Washable Material: Fabric: Cotton Blend Yarn: 60% Polyester Grommet: Brass. [Fabric Weight] Approx. 6.4 oz (194 g) / sq m); [Accessories] Mounting Cord (Black, 5 m); Country of Origin: Japan Color Variation] Please choose from the other colors in the size order from the link at the bottom of the bottom of the page
●Product Note: ·If the size order is over 35.8 inches (91 cm), seams may be inserted. We accept orders of 0.4 inch (1 cm) in size, but there may be slight differences in the finished size. If you use the seam (width seams) in a horizontal direction, it may tear from the seams. Although it is water repellent, water may penetrate if exposed to rain for a long time. Please remove it temporarily and store it in the room in strong winds or typhoons. This may cause tearing. Due to the use of cotton blended yarns, there are neps, strands, and fibers that are unique to natural materials. This is not a defective product. There may be slight fading if the product is installed continuously for a year outdoors. Mounting components are sold separately, so please purchase them separately
●Note: *Depending on your computer settings, the color of the actual product may differ from what you see on your monitor. Samples are provided, so we recommend you have a request for first time you look at your order. The color of the fabric may differ slightly depending on the production lot. If you order multiple sizes we recommend ordering at the same time. If you purchase multiple of the same color as the ready-made size, the color may differ depending on the production lot. ※ You cannot cancel it if it is working on manufacturing after the order has been confirmed. Please acknowledge We cannot accept returns or exchanges due to differences in the customers image or size differences

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Fresh like linen Sunshade Liener

Linen-inspired sunshade "Liener"Linen-inspired sunshade "Liener"

Linen-inspired sunshade "Liener"

Natural texture linen style sunshade:

The weft is made of a cotton blend yarn, which is a blend of neps, strands, and fibers, which are unique to the natural nature of the sunshade.

(Heat shielding effect for cooling sunshaded effect)

The back is woven like a mirror lace curtain with bright thread (glossy thread) that provides a thermal barrier that allows you to feel a cool and cool space like in the shade.It is recommended for gardens with a veranda, balcony or wood deck with moderate air permeability.

UV Protection & Water Repellent:

By using the sunshade, you can reduce the discoloration of furniture and carpet caused by sunburn, and the water-repellent fabric protects your laundry from sudden rain.

(Reliable quality made in Japan)

Fabric knitting, dyeing, sewing, all in Fukui Prefecture.High quality Japanese sunshade with a supple feel and design.

Product DescriptionProduct Description
About GrommetAbout Grommet

Lennel is ready to arrive and made to order in fine sizes.

Ready-made size Size Order White Size order Beige Size Order Gray
Ready-made size Size Order White Size order Beige Size Order Gray
Variations 3 sizes x 3 colors. Available in 3.9 inches (10 cm) increments Available in 3.9 inches (10 cm) increments Available in 3.9 inches (10 cm) increments
MKSS ready-made size Siesta USS Ready-made size Ready-made size
MKSS Siesta USS BOWER Liener
Heat insulation and heat shielding effect Up to 49% Up to 41.1% Up to 64.5% 29.70% Up to 36.1%
UV Protection Up to 98.7% Up to 86.8% Up to 100% Up to 100% Up to 85.1%
Water repellent grade 4 4 3 No 3
Waterproof No No Yes Yes No