
●Color: Navy.
●Size: XL.
●Material: Cotton.
●Knee Protectors are provided as standard equipment.
●Provided with cowhide leather heat protectors.


Product description

Provided with cowhide leather heat protectors.Make your riding more comfortable.

01. Thanks to the shirring on the knees, even when you bend your legs the pants don’t become taught.
The cowhide leather heat guards located on the inner thigh reduce heat transfer from the engine.
02. Shirring is also used on the waist for less resistance in the forward leaning posture.
03. Knee protectors are provided as standard equipment.These pants can be put on from the outside, so they have easy access.
04. Cowhide leather heat guards are also provided on the inside of the cuffs to prevent burns caused by heat from the bike.
Cowhide leather heat guards attach to the inside of your thigh and calf to
protect your legs from the heat of the engine and muffler.
In addition, shirring is provided above the knee and on the waist to
reduce the load when you are in the riding position.
The protectors have been provided on the knees taking safety into account.Hand washable.


■取付け、ご使用時の注意点■ ▼経年変化やご使用による製品の劣化· 損耗は避けられません。 ▼耐久性には十分考慮しておりますが、過度な負担を かけたり使用方法が適切でない場合 破損する恐れがございます。 ▼同じ製品であってもそのシワやヒビの入り方には それぞれ個体差があり、またその革固有のキズ· 色合いの濃淡など一着一着に個性がございます。 ▼製作時期によっても革の風合いに若干の差異が 生じることが御座いますので予めご了承くださいませ。