

"Ty" series disc (Teon) are not 太陽誘電 specified materials and construction has been produced under strict quality control using high quality disc.
Revell Color/White
Capacity 4.7 GB
倍速/16 times faster
Print range:/23-118 mm
Country of Origin/foreign-made
Standards/DVD – R (data)
Case/spindle case
Printed label/Inkjet Printer Compatible
1 Pack 50 pieces
Unit (Quantity)/1 Pack (50 pieces) x 2
Manufacturer Part Number/tydr47jnp50sp x 2
This product is a disc of Taiwan Teon Brand of CMC magnetics company for the 太陽誘電 Ltd. is certified for the manufacture of our products. Teon Brand is a trademark of CMC magnetics Inc. is hidisc (inc. magnetic laboratory) to provide the Ty product.