
●Introducing a very nice artists pongee bag belt (tailored product)
●Dimensions: <BR>Length: 443 <BR>Width: 31


[Condition] [Quality] [Color Pattern] We carefully select items that meet all requirements in Tokyo and Kyoto.
Enjoy our selection of specialty items.

Length: 443
Width: 31

(Tailored Product)
Taiko Drum Pattern

Pure Silk
Hand dyed
gold color

(New and Used Product)
The condition is very good and very clean.
This is a quality finished product with a new and old product.

Product Description:
Introducing a very nice artists pongee bag belt (tailored product).

This product is made from a pale green and a pale chevron color dye.
In addition, it has a stylish design with a chic color that has been dyed with a flower pattern.

Pongee fabric has a taste of texture that is firm yet soft, and is easy to tighten and does not loosen easily.

The hand-dyed and elegant colors will make your obi look full of presence.

If you are noticed, this is a great opportunity.

▼ Miyagawakara Words
A very high quality masterpiece with an elegant and stylish color that is unique to an artist.

Coordinating kimonos and wearing scenes

(Small Crest Pongee)
(For eating, shopping, theatrical shows, home parties, concerts, training, walks, etc.)

[Color Plain (No Crest) Stylish Visiting Clothes]
(For Meals, Shopping, Parties, Theatre, Concerts, Etc)

This sash can be matched with your kimono with an attached October to May.

All above prices include taxes
Product: sena 423/520 Nakano 22/40/2202