

Each item you receive is about 1.6 - 2.4 inches (4 - 6 cm). Please note that we cannot accept individual size, pattern, or female specifications. Please be aware that there are no mistakes (minimum selection), so please be aware that there may be any fin addictions. Recommended for those who want to start feeding goldfish. Breeding is easy, but please be aware of overfeeding disease of overfeeding. … Ryukin Red for Goldfish Scooping, Chalice, No Selection, KAZ 20130725 kingyoset _kingyo _fish _aqua 1401_fishotsdm nittan_ryukin kin_kng1402 ntmtr_kngmdk catalo freshwater organisms topk_k_k_top_kalo yo100 2 mrs1910_2pd_kingyo fesninnovapdXkingyo fesninnovbpdXkingyo fesnindecapdXkingyo festenjanapdXkingyo 1topkingyo200122 kingyotop012 festenrivkime festenrivenrivenrivenrivkime festenrivenyo kime2 festenrivkime3 festenrivkime4 1topkingyo200311 kingyotop0311 1topkingyo200401 kingyotop0401 2008kingyonew freeseitai