
●◆ 7 Color Glitter Rainbow LED Fiber Optic. slowly changes colors wont get bored, and see the fantastic space to provide a glowing Buddha Flower. Day and night and enjoy.
●LED fiber optic light shine, but the color is different degrees of petals. It can be dyed and bigger. Like watching the parade of the night. Gorgeous, compliment your golden week the perfect item. It is the Buddha as a flower, your 仏壇 decorate around your home decor as a flower, entrance or in the living room is also available so you can use them not only onsi-zun off-season and convenient.
●White ceramic pot with a so here we are. From that day on, ready for use. Golden Week and is ideal for manufactures shelf 精霊棚 仏壇 decorating the sides of the. With a golden week lanterns will be decorating and more atmosphere.
●Like a real texture and beauty if you are not yet dont worry with the maintenance of such as the change in the water and blow to remove, for easier handling.
●Stand can be adjustable to name tag with. From the Golden Week which is also pleased to 進物.



■本体サイズ(花を除く) 幅18.8cm×高20.5cm×奥11.5cm

■材質:本体/陶器 花/ファイバー


·のし掛け方法 ●外のし ●内のし ○のし不要
·表書き ●志 ●御供 ●御仏前 ●御霊前 ○表書き不要
·名入れ ●苗字のみ ●姓名 ●社名 ○名入れ不要