Feature(may vary by option.)

●#225 in Womens Walking Shoes (Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry)


[multicolor (black   &  silver)]



[blue (light)]


Product Description


ひざ関節症の患者数は、約3,000万人。日本人の約4人に1人が、ひざトラブルを抱えています。(*平成20年:厚生労働省 介護予防の促進に向けた運動器疾患対策についての報告書より)



Brand Story


From the Manufacturer

Developed in collaboration with obstetricianDeveloped in collaboration with obstetrician

Developed in collaboration with obstetrician

1 of 4 Japanese people

We focus on social problems with having knee trouble.

Asics Shoji has spent many years

Developed with an obstetrician collaboration with shoes specializing in knee care.

Make walking more enjoyable

These shoes were born from such things.

About Your Needs

Your ChecklistYour Checklist



Pre-Use Checklist

1. Is it 20 years and up?

2. Is the leg shape straight or O legs?

3. Does the ankle joint have any abnormalities? (such as sprains)

*Increasing your needs is not a medical device.

Do not use if you have X legs.

Structure that Increases Your Needs

Reduces strain on the inner knee joints.

Point 1 / MCCS

MCCS placed inside the sole sagging at heel load and inclined insideReduces strain on the inside of the knee joints.
