

Feel the change of hair luster with care cream formulated with premium beauty ingredient "Emu Oil". Skincare with highly permeable skin care for against cracks, floors, sitting, and painful troubles. Emu is an ostraceae bird originally lived in a desert area where the temperature difference is intense in the land of Australia. Natural oils derived from Emu subcutaneous fats are highly permeable to the skin and have excellent moisturizing effect. In addition, because of its anti-inflammatory effect, Avolidinal People has been used as a pain reliever for muscle soreness, bruises and burns. Emu Love is based on "pure emu oil", tuned with "Arnica or "Lata" plant oil, and is formulated with active ingredients such as "Arnica guardian of muscle and bruise," which has excellent disinfecting effect. In the world of racing horses it is also used as a massage cream for muscle pain relief after racing and training. In addition, it works efficiently on your skin to reduce hardening caused by bedsores, sitting, and injuries. Some reports of police dog training experiments have improved sedentary and neck loss. In addition, it is very stretchy and easy to use, and unlike traditional foot creams, it is also characterized by a non-sticky feel.