

NURO CoverNURO Cover

It is easy to use and doesnt have a good design. Stiff handles hurt your hands... Even though it is a work involved in design, you dont have to choose a bag for your convenience. No portfolios that fit your artwork images...

Uncommon and clever drawing case.

The drawing case was born from such a thoughtful thought, and is sized to fit A3 sized files: NULO. The structure allows you to open it with a zipper all the way up to the side.Lightweight and simple construction with no space dividers or pockets.Designed for architecture, design, designers, arts and artists, music people who carry music music musics... It is suitable for all kinds of creative people.

In addition, you can enjoy choosing a color that matches your mood and outfit and TPO.

color variation

moss green matte black Silver indigo blue Red Dark
moss green matte black Silver indigo blue Red Dark
Color moss green matte black Silver indigo blue Red Dark
apricot orange Emerald Green canary yellow White piany-red
apricot orange Emerald Green canary yellow White piany-red
Color apricot orange Emerald Green canary yellow White piany-red

What is VOID Project

I hope they have "warm."create something that you think of.This is a Void project that started with such an idea. Forget anything that might be unexpected.And its a project that is working to bring out the pieces that you really need.