
●The product image is a sample image. (Not actual product)
●Please check the [Product Description] for main compatible models
●Compatible products may differ depending on the model, year, and grade, etc. even with the same vehicle. Please check the genuine product number before purchasing
●If the customer cannot verify the original model number, please contact us before purchasing
●[For inquiries regarding compatibility verification: https://goq.to/MDA4NTUz]


This is a brand new blower motor.

■Genuine product number
74250-68H00 / 74250-68H01 / 74250-68HA0 / 74250-68HA2 / 1A06-61-B10A / 1A06-61-B10B

■Main compatible models
Everyday DA64V/DA64W

Scrum DG64V/DG64W

■About compatibility confirmation

Although we display main compatible models, we recommend that you check compatibility as the standard may differ depending on the year and grade.
Please contact the below part of your vehicle verification before purchase and we will confirm it fits.

1 car
Model 2
3 Car Table No.
4. First Year Registration
5 Type Number (5 digits)
6 Classification Numbers (4 Numbers)

Please contact us for inquiries.

https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/help/contact/contact.html? ie=UTF8&asin=B0080TFZDK&isCBA=&isPopup=&marketplaceID=A1VC38T7YXB528&orderID=&ref_=aag_m_fi&sellerID=A3PMT0DJEJ0C0Y

Or sale2@msi-co.jp.

Can also be used here: 050-5305-4196.