
●Brand : Kawai-JPN Traditional Instruments 河合琴三絃司
●"Classic" 箏曲 地歌 enjoy your competition/score the flow just like the "river"
●This "Special has been done in 14 years on 9 July 27 No. 1 ND times 利根 English law anniversary" on the Japanese traditional competition report. Losing The Mr. 箏曲 playing home 利根 Imperial Law and finally to start than the same competition in the parents.
●Japanese traditional competition you contemporary songs to play at the end of the many nowadays, more if you dare "Classic" specializing in competition to the host. Document to analyze the results, along with certification with its production to 本選.
●Large now on enjoy "score", "like a river flow". Misora ascending to the last known as our single crushes with Koto 尺八/instrument), seven decades of hun-hyeon Trio with FREE Gift Box
●Add the tax on the Amazon fees, etc. All Over Japan, the same price. 河合 琴 三絃 when more than 3 Item from the wires have been included shipped with, and refund any excess postage. Estimated Delivery is a room so it is indicated on the surface and may be early wear and tear. (河合 琴 三絃 wires)


三味線 is against your love (all) – 9 [Edwin 潤 Brawlers] music is like.
The rib 玉手箱 – 9 [The Point Of The Bands name 久仁子] tuning this.
尺八 craftsmanship – 8 [小湊 昭 the] 尺八 s slender "Bobblehead" 4
The 脈々 箏曲 地歌 Dol – 23 [久保田 敏子] 安村 検校 in 門人 US 1
Cat Kitaro your hearing – 84 " Koto kite string and instrument) yarn is stamped with a method?
1 minute "箏曲 地歌" announcements – 87 [野川 美穂子] Hina effectiveness
地唄 箏曲 四方山話 – 47 [芦垣 美穗] Miyagi 道雄 11 piece
Listen to the sound of something – 44 [Ito o酉sama 由貴子]