

Product description

The classic stomach strap is simple to use, so it is safe for babies to use and keep them in mind even when doing housework or working. Total weight 9.5 oz (260 g), Made in Japan, the back part is removable, lightweight, and easy to carry, with instruction manual (English language not guaranteed).


昔ながらのおんぶひもは使い方がシンプル ママの背中に密着するから赤ちゃんも安心♪ 家事や仕事をしながらの育児には必需品♪総重量260g 生地·縫製ともに高品質な日本製 背もたれ部分は取り外し可能 軽量で持ち運びも便利 取り扱い説明書付!