




Product Name: Coffee Pot
Material: Food Grade Aluminum
Size: 7.4 * 3.8 inches (19 * 9.8 cm)
Specifications: 3 Serving
Color: Red, White, Blue
1. Fill the bottom pot with fresh water and the height should not exceed the safety valve.
2. Pour the ground coffee powder into the filter and lay it flat slightly with the coffee powder spoon. 3. Place the top pot in the pot to clean the beautiful and elegant thread.
4. Place the moka pot on a gas lamp, alcohol stove or induction cooker and heat it.
5. When there is a boiling sound of water, switch to low heat to boil, wait about 2 minutes, remove the moka pot from the fire source, brewed coffee is very fragrant.
6. Pour your brew coffee into the coffee cup and adjust it a little and you can enjoy a good life!

Cleaning Instructions:

1. After cooling the coffee pot, loosen the top pot, remove the funnel, pour the coffee residue, and tap the funnel several times to pour the remaining coffee residue in the middle of the funnel.
Rinse with water and dry Do not use to clean sand material or soda water, as the surface will damage brightness.
Long-term use, the bottom of hard water changes color, so you can remove the water mixed with vinegar.
4. After each coffee is brewed, clean the silicone ring or rubber ring inside the cup.
Note: If you use the above method, you can use it for many years.