
[shiny grey]

[premium black]

[Visionary Mint]

[silk white]

[skin pink]


1. Non-woven mask eliminates skin rashes. Smooth silk inner mask, stress-free, gentle touch, high moisturizing to make your skin shiny. 2. Easy to breath, 3. The wire is vertical around the opening. A beautiful inner piece that you will want to show off. Mask 4. Easy & secure to wear, easy to put on and take off, and it wont fall off even when shaken. STAYS IN PLACE! Tightly sewn up and down with 0.5 inch (1.2 cm) Velcro fasteners. Easy to remove and remove at once; Lightweight enough to fit in just 0.2 oz (6 g). Silk, non-woven fabric and exposure; Even if there is gaps on the side of the non-woven fabric the inner mask will fit your skin perfectly. 5. Beautiful and elegant luster increases tension. Self affirmation, increases your personal importance and gentle care around you. Wash. The Velcro tape is inside and folded in half to allow it to be dehydrated. Open to shape and dry in the shade. Wash and dry at night and use it again and again in the morning.