
●Bathtub handrail compatible with unit baths previously unable
●Space-saving design that allows you to use the laundry area comfortably
●Curved loop shape grip for added support
●The grip height and leg pipe length can be easily adjusted without any tools
●Designed to be gentle on the unit bath tub






This is a bathtub handrail that is compatible with unit baths that you couldnt install before. Designed to reduce the amount of tension to the washroom, the bathroom can be used to relax and move smoothly. It does not get in the way even during assistance. Loop-shaped grip that can be gripped in any direction to help you move in the washroom. Stability between standing out from the shower bench, moving in the bathroom, and holding it firmly with both hands to stabilize the tub. Easy to adjust without any tools. To grip height, simply pinch the knob and slide the grip up and down. The length of the legs can be easily adjusted with a push button, and the elastic legs can be easily adjusted by hand. Firmly clings to the floor to increase stability. The width of the tub is a frame release screw that can be easily adjusted without separating the body. The loop shape grip is ideal for movement aid, grip position for reduced load on the tub, the shape of the pressure plate suitable for apron-type unit baths, and the legs that touch the floor suppress excessive load on the tub, torque control prevents damage to the tub, and is designed to be gentle on unit bath tubs.


取り付けできない浴槽·場所 浴槽…木製の浴槽、大理石の浴槽 場所…タイル敷きの洗い場、小石敷きの洗い場、クッション性のあるやわらかい床面、大浴場、温泉施設 上記以外でもご使用前に製品が浴槽へしっかりと固定できるか確認してください。 ■浴槽壁の高さが異なる浴槽 ■著しく劣化した浴槽 ●ひびの入った浴槽、表面がざらついている浴槽など、劣化した浴槽に取り付けを行うと、浴槽が破損するおそれがあります。 ●浴槽の経年劣化は使用環境により異なります。 ■浴槽の内側が大きく湾曲している浴槽 押圧板と浴槽壁の間にすき間が生じるため、製品が抜ける原因になります。 ■浴槽壁の厚みが4.5cm未満の浴槽 ■浴槽壁の厚みが13cmを超える浴槽 ●浴槽内壁の傾斜が10°を超える浴槽 傾斜が10°以下であっても、浴槽上縁より14㎝下の厚みが13㎝を超える場合、取り付けができません。 ■湾曲の大きい浴槽、部位(コーナー部) 浴槽壁の厚みの最も厚いところと最も薄いところの差が3cmを超える箇所には取り付けできません。 ■タイル貼りで中身が空洞の浴槽 浴槽外側がタイル貼りで中身が空洞の場合は、取り付けできません。 上記条件にあてはまる浴槽へ取り付けて、浴槽が破損した場合、当社は一切の責任を負いかねます。