

Stereotypes of Germans Series first-time users and easy-to-follow book. As paper folding, cutting. Gently if you open the door to a beautiful Japanese shapes. "Its amazing just starts fires" play "era An elegant cut paper. Color and shape in your life Fun and Play, My First Person in easy-to-understand basic tell the Iroha. Book has 48 pages. Tell us how to use, beauty, fun to color pictures included. Washi is made of 50 sheets. Super bright. Also large enough to copy the 型紙 use included. For those who are first-time users and is stamped cutting this collector, it would be. As a gift. ■ karuta stamped "stamped" are here to get even more for those who want to know weve got karuta stamped. ■ Plain 団扇 cut and stamped with an original 団扇 t made from sturdy construction made from solid utiwa this ■ Washi (some are a ro紙) The ro紙 for are here to add texture, color and good high quality washi and the like. ■ Size: 17 x 17 x 1.3 (cm)