
●Wajuns super fast WIFI+ Bluetooth adapter is included for free and wireless and Bluetooth is also available. Genuine Microsoft Windows 10 MAR seal / Half year repair replacement with peace of mind warranty / All HDD or SSD are adopted
●Dual screen output simultaneously, Microsoft Office 2019 (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook)
●CPU: New 7th Generation Core i5-7500 3.2 GHz (As it is a working product, most of the 7th generation used computer) DVD Super Multi, Bluetooth, USB 3.0, Wireless Function, HDMI Converter Cable Included, HDMI Output Available, Power Cable Included
●High Capacity Memory: 8 GB, Brand New SSD: 256 GB, Wajun Super Fast WIFI + Bluetooth Adapter for free
●Equipped with Windows 10 Professional 64-bit (Original OS Recovery Version)



Product description

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