
●For cleaning, sterilizing, and disinfecting fingers; This medicinal soap solution can be disinfected and disinfected at the same time you wash your hands.
●No fragrance additives, so there is no transfer scent, making it perfect for food handlers.
●Simply place the solution in the soap solution container and wash it by hand.
●Liquid Color: Green Active Ingredients: Isopropyl methylphenol disinfectant / Quasi-drug product
●Ingredients: Isopropyl methylphenol, diethanolamine, edetoacid viscosity regulator, wetting agent, fragrance, green No. 201, green No. 204, [Size] Container size: Width 9.1 x Depth 4.7 x Height 11.2 x Height 11.2 inches (410 x 238 x 304 mm)


Product description

Soap solution made from unscented purified palm oil; Can be disinfected and disinfected at the same time by hand wash; No need to worry about the transfer of scent; Soap solution that is more gentle on your hands and skin; Cheap price per unit of 1 unit ¥5333 (1 kg unit price ¥1067)


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