
●The setasilk range includes 29 vivid and intense water based opaque colors available in 45ml and 250ml bottles
●The setasilk colors can be used on all types of silk; they may be thinned using setasilk thinner; the colors are air dry in a few minutes
●The setasilk colors are fixed by ironing 3 to 4 minutes on the reverse side of the fabric with a hot iron; 48-hour after fixing, colors resist hand washing and dry cleaning
●For application, Pebeo recommends using pure squirrel brushes which are ideal for painting on silk as they are soft and very thin, with a high retention capacity
●Clean brushes with soapy water

[Other Blue]


[Iris Violet]

[NO.11 Navy Blue]

[NO.25 Silver Grey]

[orange (tangerine)]


[Hermes Thread]




[meadow green]

[Oriental Green]

[Zitane Blue]


[Primary Yellow]


[Poppy Red]


綿、麻、シルクなど天然素材の生地へのペイントに適した絵具です。定着剤は不要で、筆に絵具をボトルから直接つけて使うことができます。パレット等に出して、混色も可能。粘度が低いので、繊維に浸透しやすく、また水彩画のような繊細な表現にも適しています。絵具が乾いたあと、当て布をするか、生地を裏返して約3分間まんべんなくドライアイロンを当ててください。洗濯およびドライクリーニングが可能になります。 *セタシルクは濃い色の生地には発色しませんのでご注意ください。
