
●#52 Pink Candy

[clear pink]

[pink candy]

[blue pink]


[orange gold]

[blue candy]

[red gold]

[Flounder Gold]



サーフゲーム用 トレブルフック×2本搭載のただ巻き系ジグ「ジグパラサーフ」! マゴチ、ヒラメ等のフラットフィッシュを狙って、サーフエリアでカッ飛ばしたい。でも、メタルジグよりもミノーライクなナチュラルスイムアクションが欲しい‥そんな時にこそ大活躍の「JIGPARA SURF」。ただ巻きスイムアクションに磨きをかけた、浅場でも丹念に探ることができるミノー風味メタルジグで離岸流を直撃して下さい!

From the Manufacturer

Metal Jig Jigpara SURF


Super multilayered coating Minnowike metal jigs for secure swimming with a simple roll

The information on this product was updated in December 2019.

Flat Fish Targets Bumpy Minnow Like Metal Jig

You want to squirt in the surf area by aiming at flat fish such as slammers and flounders.However, you want a natural swimming action than metal jigs..."JIGPARA SURF" which is great for those times. Shoot off the shore stream with a minnow flavored metal jig that can be carefully found even in shallow areas.

Superior hook rate

The 2 treble hooks are professionally designed to ensure that you catch the bites from below.The hook has enough thick shaft and sharp tip, so it can also be used for large flant bites.