
●Material: 表:ポリエステル100% 裏:綿100% 日本製
●Size (H x W): Approx. 5.3 x 19.3 inches (13.5 x 49 cm).
●A simple front plate that is essential for wearing. This is an indispensable accessory to prevent creasing on the belt and make it look beautiful. It has rubber straps on both ends, so it is recommended for beginners to kimono. The belt with the belt is attached to the belt before attaching the belt to the torso before wrapping the belt.
●The length of the width is about 19.3 inches (49 cm). Recommended for those who are large and want to remove wrinkles from the underarms such as formal attire. The front plate is available in a variety of types and sizes, so you can use the front plate to match your kimono or body shape to create a more beautiful sash. The outer fabric has a simple scalloped pattern.
●A rich lineup of specialty stores, from kimono garbage and kimono accessories to kimono.

[safety pink]


着付の必需品、シンプル前板です。帯にシワが寄るのを防ぎ、スッキリ見せるためには欠かせない着付小物です。両端にゴムベルトの付いたタイプで、着物初心者さんにもおすすめです。ベルト付きの帯板は、あらかじめ胴回りに帯板を付けてから、帯を巻きます。横の長さが約49cmと長め。大柄な方や、礼装など脇までしっかりシワを取りたい場合におすすめです。様々なタイプとサイズの前板をご用意しておりますので、着用されるお着物や、体型に合わせて前板を使い分けていただくと、より一層美しく帯周りがきまります。表の生地はシンプルな紗綾型柄です。 【素材】表:ポリエステル100% 裏:綿100% 日本製