Feature(may vary by option.)

[gray (dark gray)]


A girlish organic cotton persimmon tissued bag with a ribbon on the front.
Comes with a string so it is perfect for going out.

Persimmon Shiki has been used for a variety of purposes since the Heian era as a natural dye with high deodorizing and antibacterial properties.
The excellent effect has become widely known today and there are many products such as soap, body soap, toothpaste, etc.

This persimmon shiki is a baby product made from “Persimmon chan”.
The natural ingredients of persimmon tannin have excellent antibacterial properties to prevent unpleasant odors.

The special feature of "Persimmon-chan Baby" is how to make it.
By dyeing organic cotton from the state of cotton, each thin fiber can penetrate persimmon contact.