
●This toothbrush is designed to allow for easy insertion between the teeth, and the tip of the hair is easy to get in between the teeth and teeth, while removing the plaque between the teeth and the massage of the gums to create a strong gum that can not be beaten by periodontal disease
●The "toothpick" method of brushing the teeth and the slim head for efficient brushing of the tooth, a narrow and long neck that reaches deep teeth and a handle that is easy to grip when the head is facing at any angle
●1) Take a large adzuki toothpaste on the end of the toothbrush and apply to all of the teeth
●2) Place the tip of the hair between your teeth and gum, turn on the switch and move it from the back of the deep tooth to the front teeth. Apply the tip with feather touch for 2-3 seconds per teeth
●3) Move the back of the tooth from the back of the teeth to the front teeth



Robotic "Toothpick" motion; Thin bunches act right angle against the teeth and gums, making it a completely different motion than traditional electric toothbrushes. The brush part is small and can reach most of the mouth (between teeth and teeth, between bridge and gum, the implant teeth and gum contact, behind the backst teeth. "Toothpick" is a brushing method designed to remove dental plaque in the interdental area for the prevention and treatment of periodontal diseases (Morita et. al., J. Clin. Periodontol., 25; 829, 1998) that subsequent research shows that gum cells are activated. 9; 791 , 2002), now it is believed to strengthen gums and prevent and treat periodontal diseases and implant surrounding (Mucositis).