
●Body: Siam Oak
●Comes with a wrench


Product description

LP uddobongo are, from now on, you will start the bongo, or for those interested in relatively affordable and easy to maneuver and say how to model the bongo.
Siam Oak Shell uddobongo. Black powder coated hardware and 9/32 ′ ′ Rug can be used in the United States.
The small size of approx. 6" and approx. 7" can adjust the monitor to the bolt to tighten or loosen and leather upholstery of your drums on the other and back.
Strong fastening along and a 甲高i treble and reverse to loosen and rich bass of the more than years.
Split the construction is also stays securely on the first time you pay for even those who are not?. In the relatively easy handling.
The item is a convenient to carry all of your Bongo bongobaggu is included.
Made specifically for the bongo case is the manufacturers name in large printed and plain type ones are not as easy as you are on or a price on something in to this set so it is not as easy as a unusual maybe not included. With a simple design and is not? Please choose the suitable for it.


※手作りの楽器ですので、作りに荒さがある場合がございます。 ※ご覧頂いているモニター環境などによって色味に違いが出る可能性がございますので予めご了承ください。 ※楽器として初期不良が生じている場合を除き、その他の理由での交換にはお応え致しかねます。その点予めご了承下さい。 ※予告無く商品改良や仕様変更の場合がございます。予めご了承ください。