
●This product is a Hall of 佛 English Botany) (crossing seller with how to guarantee after inspection) on the market. From Any seller other products are used and the material and includes product descriptions, images and may vary. Please be careful enough because it can be accepted about the trouble in the case of purchase, please purchase the release of when you want to other stores.
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●Aizu painted business card manufactures. Best to give as a Buddhist temple offerings you when you need to golden week will be used. More choice or 祭事 active, such as in a variety to your family and friends.
●Aizu is the lacquerware construction from the old was a region. Apply layers carefully crafted and polished to create a beautiful form and smooth for a beautiful finish.
●Will make any sect and dorm rooms. Made in Japan.


Made of plastic business manufactures. Best to give as a Buddhist temple offerings you when you need to golden week will be used. More choice or 祭事 active, such as in a variety to your family and friends. Aizu is the lacquerware construction from the old was a region. Apply layers carefully crafted and polished to create a beautiful form and smooth for a beautiful finish.
[Product specifications]
● Size:
7.0 Dimensions: H15 x W214 x D134 mm
● Material: Plastic
● Color: Black
● Production: Japan
● sect: Please use at any sect
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