
●1. Blocks the light [Special fabric and cut out the light. Air Conditioner also comfortable to use, better fuel]
●2. Waterproof function [Glass Surface adopt the frost and sun shade that adhere to fabric and waterproof]
●3. Cushion features [CORE material for lightweight cushioning material is used. The glass to prevent scratches and insomnia]
●4. Take off the [using a simple suction cup. So easy to take off]
●5. Than [Car Curtains to achieve a very low price low prices. * No rail installation]


Product description

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ hit write review storage bag with high probability is<br/> [Product Details]<br/> 1. Rear seat glass, set of 2<br/> 2. Rear Glass Set of 1<br/> * Front side is also sold separately.<br/> [Compatible models]<br/> ★ Wagon rmh23s & Wagon rmh23s Stingray<br/> * Each Grade and above compatible models and horrifyingly glass shape and then wear.<br/> 1. This item is NOT FITTING other claims, returns will not be accepted.<br/> 2. Running in the field of sleep-disrupting when not in use so you must not use it underwater.<br/> 3. This item is easy to be charged in suction cup for glass surfaces and gaps that may occur.<br/> * Completely blocks the light, not visible from the outside doesnt mean you are not so please be careful.<br/> 4. When the suction cup to glass surface resistant to include the surface moisture effectively.<br/> 5 if you are using tint is is on the attention to detail with the suction cup.<br/> * Suction cups on the knob portion of the air and easy to load.<br/> 6. Made of fabric and polyurethane foam bitiziminiyotte anti-wrinkle may differ from the product image.<br/> 7. puraibasi-sansixe-do 1.0 CM1 x l have some error of the amount of stitching. Between the areas that may be slightly so please understand in advance.


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