Feature(may vary by option.)




High performance programmable controller with built-in Ethernet
"CP1L-EM" and "CP1L-EL" are standard equipped with an Ethernet port.
CP1L-M and CP1L-L are standard equipped with USB ports for peripherals.
Function Blocks (FB) allow you to build modular structures and program ladder diagrams.
CP1L-EM, and CP1L-EL, are equipped with Ethernet port.
Dual axis pulse output Advanced power for high precision positioning control.
Fast Counter For single phase 4-axis
6 interrupt inputs built in. Instructions processing is faster and the whole system is faster.
Serial Communication 2 Ports Select the option board for RS-232C or RS-485 communications.
CP1L-M and CP1L-L are equipped with USB ports for peripheral devices.
Structured Text (ST) language Makes math calculations even easier.
For use with CP1W series units Excellent stretchability.
LCD Display and Setting. It is activated by using the optional board.