

The presence of buttons and petal-like collar, and a neat style with a high design. There is a pocket on the right armpit where PHS can be stored. The right hem pocket has a pocket on the inside to keep your writing utensils organized. The 3D cut allows you to raise and lower your arms and prevent the hem from lifting up. Product Number: UQW1040; Standard: [Size] S; Color: Blue x Aqua; Product Size: [Chest] 36.2 inches (92 cm); [Detailed Size] Not applicable; [Weight] Not applicable] [Quantity] [Quantity] [Material] 100% Polyester; [Components] Not applicable [Disinfecting Classification] Not applicable [Disinfection Expiration Date: Not applicable [Expiration Date: Not applicable Medical Device Class Classification: Not applicable [Medical Device Classification] Not applicable [Medical Device Speciality Category] Not applicable [Approval/ Certification / Notification Number] Not applicable [Medicine Sales Name] Not applicable [JMDN Code] Not applicable [Drug General Product Name] Not applicable [Hazardous Product Name] Not applicable [Hazardous Goods Capacity] Not applicable [JAN Code] 45176 76745143