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Enough 掛軸 佛 * Three time not be specified 掛軸 criss cross triple 佛 50/13.0 cm Wide X 30.5 cm Tall (1 per sheet), 掛軸 criss cross three 佛, criss cross triple protrusion from the first seven days with criss cross three times for up to thirty three 20th 追善 供養 patron of the brain. Protrusion. Buddha is available in three decades to be secured with 極楽浄土 deceased if Bobby is still to be placed to the United States. · 不動明王 (Kagero how myou chinensis) (The first seven days) 釈迦如来 (xyakanyorai) (Double/day) Munsu Yin (characteristics of xyubosatu (three/days) · 普賢菩薩 (Kagero Gokigen a) two (four/days), Sutra of the boddhisattva work.? A) (Two) (five/day) 弥勒菩薩 (miroku xyorai) (//day for a two) (six/days), or a 薬師如来 (comb), Guan Yin (easy in to a two) Hundreds The Day It) · 勢至菩薩 (sibo (two) (1st Anniversary) · 阿弥陀如来 (Bitch acari xyorai) (triple 20th), Sen 如来 (simpletons xyukunyorai) (/20th) · 大日如来 in (touches to the third 20th xyorai (criss cross) · 虚空蔵菩薩 (mouth. A two) (thirty three 20th) Three decades of French 掛軸 is, of course, the 法要 up to forty nine days 年忌 法要 for Precipice and décor to any 仏事, such as Obon Festival. Three decades of French 掛軸 is of course perfect for any 佛 you in decorating for all denominations and for ease of use, your family safety and 家運 隆盛 the daily use you can hang it as a hanging slot.