
●■ Size: about (in mm): 112 x 14 x 160
●■ Weight: G Approx (g): 155
●■ Material Cover/raw pieces Brand new gauzy paper, Half-Fold AAA 24 fold (蛇腹)
●■ The wood Conversion to us in your spare time, cleared the way/like at your local shrine, etc., do you? Raise your salt for cleansing and federal regulations.


Pure white for your 奉書 Washi written in vibrant ink lettering and vibrant vermillion for the marking 御朱印 structure in press. 襖 (rice bran) to apply your raw paper from the cover and your original ", a new 紗綾 佳ku to making your" apparitions pattern upon the product. VISIT THE ", Great to collect, Ocean Waves, and also as a travel companion", you can collect a variety of 御朱印 go you enjoy your original 御朱印. [百鬼夜行 (odour xyakkiyakou )】◇ if you want we like ithat 朱印 book is "on", not treated carefully in order to. Purifying A space, such as 神棚. Ideal to store If it is not, please make 朱印 book dedicated to the replacement is also available. The drawer chest The upper drawers, etc. If you dont specific prayer is to keep it together as a good decor.