
●Please note that for 仏壇 本尊 Samurai Side Set 掛軸.
●家具調 仏壇 (Modern 仏壇) · Suitable for small 仏壇 Size.
●Size: Height 26 cm Width 11.5 cm (1 piece).
●Adaptable sect: 浄土真宗 本願寺 polyphony (西本願寺)
●Left side (Samurai (left and right (uni-directional) 蓮如 arrival 上人 (right) 親鸞 Saints


◆ 浄土真宗 本願寺 polyphony (西本願寺) ◆ Please 本尊 side Samurai set: 30 bills
Please note that for 仏壇 本尊 Samurai Side Set 掛軸.
The Sect is "浄土真宗 本願寺 hat (西本願寺" for you.
We will "阿弥陀如来 本尊". (is the region due to the strict environment. (Not included)
● Size: High 26 cm Width 11.5 cm (1 piece).
● Supported sect: 浄土真宗 本願寺 polyphony (西本願寺)
● 本尊 (middle): 阿弥陀如来
- Left Side (samurai (left and right (uni-directional) 蓮如 arrival 上人 (right) 親鸞 Saints
* 家具調 仏壇 (Modern 仏壇) · Suitable for small 仏壇 Size.