
●Please 本尊 Samurai all in one width side and a 曹洞宗 掛図


曹洞宗 (zen) for your 掛軸. Please note that the center 曹洞宗 本尊 & Retainers Yang 大師 (Original 禅師 way) on the left in the machine and 釈迦如来 protrusion, right 大師 (瑩山 禅師) and one ornament both Stagira 影像 Please with your one in a Wide for AXIS three abide protrusion. * Three abide if you are hanging a protrusion from armpit is not used. · Field of 表装 to hardware · Single Width Dimensions: Shank Width: 11.5 cm x Length: 22 cm hanging rope 掛軸 are studded with your hard hat or 掛軸 base if needed. Sizes differ slightly depending on design, but also around the 表装 (depending on the field of part of) the image is different, please understand.