
●Doggie Dooley 3535 35th-Anniversary Leach-Bed-Style Pet-Waste Disposal System


Keep lawns and play areas clean and sanitary with this environmentally safe pet-waste disposal system. Simply install the unit into the ground, drop in dog waste, and occasionally add Digester Powder and water for continuous break down of waste. The system can handle the waste of one large dog or two small dogs, and it works like a home septic system by using enzyme and bacteria action to turn waste into a ground-absorbed. unit comes with about a Other highlights include durable plastic construction for years of in-ground service and a convenient foot-operated lid opener. The system works well in all soil conditions except hard clay and heavy sand, and it can be used in cold-weather areas provided it gets installed according to the wintertime directions for digging below the frost line. Installation, which requires some easy assembly and digging a digging line. hole, take about an hour from start to finish. The USA-made pet-waste disposal system measures 14 by 14 by 10 inches.