Feature(may vary by option.)

●#1,417 in Womens Body Piercing Jewelry

[14G (can also be used for 12G)  & 5mm]


Gauge: 14G can also be used with 12G thread types. 16G can also be used with 18G thread types.
Ball Size (Diameter): 0.1 inch (3 mm), 0.2 inch (4 mm), 0.2
Material: Acrylic.

The transparent color makes it easy to wear and light enough for everyday use.
Can be used for threaded items such as barbells and labrets
Recommended for stock catch that tends to be lost.

1.About the material
The acrylic material is gentle on the skin, so it is safe for allergies.
Compared to stainless steel, it is more susceptible to sterilization with ethanol.

2.About the catch
This listing is for only the catch. Shaft (rod part) sold separately.
Please note that this product cannot be used on rings.
Please note that the screws may not interfere with your items.

This product is sold individually. If you are using both ears, please purchase 2.