Feature(may vary by option.)

●Overall dimensions: 7.75" H x 5.25" W x 5.25" D Measures to nearest 0.125"
●Display Area Dimensions: 6.5"H x 3.25"W x 3.25"D The height when hung on the display is 6.5 inches and is measured to the nearest .125 inches
●Material: Gold Tone Metal Stand
●USES: Perfect addition to your unique collection display. Festive eye-catching stand helps you hang and display your collections. Great for ornaments, pocket watches, tree toppers, hanging orbs, sun catchers, whimsical breezes, jewelry, small stained glass items and other keepsakes
●BARDS: A brand that will enhance your collection for over 20 years. Let us help you take your collection out of storage and return to your display



Bards Gold-Tone Ornament Stand 7"H x 3.5"W x 3.5"D

What size should I order? Please measure the height, width and depth of item. As you want to hang items, please consider the space to hang items freely. Dont forget the original hanging string or attachment.

What is the display area of this stand? The display area on this stand is 5.5" (H) x 2.125" (W) x 2.125" (D) and the height of the display can be measured up to 5.5" (nearest 0.125").