Feature(may vary by option.)

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[36V350W Pedal kit]

[36V350W Handle kit]

[24V350W Thumb kit]


Electric suke-tobo-doburasiresumo-ta- Electric Motor for model airplanes Ships E – suke-tobo-doberutodoraibumo-ta N5065 kv270 1650 Watt motor
This item is just the 1 motor,
Its suitable for electric skateboard, or any question please feel free to contact with us.
Motor Description:
MODEL: N5065
Input Voltage: 18 – 25.2 V
Power: 1650 Watts
RPM (RPM/V): 270KV
Max Current: 100 A
Motor Description:
MODEL: 6374
Voltage: 36 Volt
Power: 3000 Watts
RPM (RPM/V): 230kv
Max Current: 150 A
Shaft diamter: 10 millimeters
Weight: 0.8 McG
ho-rusensa with motor, the sensor is required, and thats why you can even forget it.