Feature(may vary by option.)

●Ra92 High Color Render, Best-in-class Lumens Aquarium LED Light
●Easy to clean, with one touch filter for quiet operation
●Stylish black silicone thin all-glass tank
●A beautiful frameless all-glass slim aquarium that looks great with your interior
●Even beginners can easily start breeding aquarium fish in style

[width 30cm]

[Width 52cm]

[Width 42cm]

[Width 60cm]


Product Description

Tetra All Glass Aquarium 520 Tropical Fish Set, Aquarium Aquarium Tropical Fish Medaka Goldfish


Place the dedicated mat on the installation location of the aquarium. Place the aquarium on the dedicated mat. Please install the included filter, heater, and LED light. Pour water into the aquarium. Plug the installed filter, heater, and LED light into the outlet

From the Manufacturer

Tetra All Glass Aquarium 520 Tropical Fish Set

This beautiful frameless all-glass tank is easy to care for and comes with a one-touch filter for quiet operation so even beginners can start breeding aquarium fish in style.Made of glass.Please handle this product so as not to damage the corners of the aquarium, chipped parts, or debris.Do not move the aquarium with water or gravel.Please do not pour hot water (over 104°F (40°C) or higher).

From the brand

Important Message


Place the dedicated mat on the installation location of the aquarium. Place the aquarium on the dedicated mat. Please install the included filter, heater, and LED light. Pour water into the aquarium. Plug the installed filter, heater, and LED light into the outlet