Feature(may vary by option.)

●#2,096 in Womens Shapewear Control Panties


[red (wine)]



Product Description

High waist and curvy shorts girdle. The front lace is elegantly designed with a power net lining on the front body to tighten your stomach. There are 5 bones on the back to keep your spine crisp. The back center is shirring and hip lifts with a zipper, so it is easy to put on and take off even with high waists. Size M: Approx. 15.4 inches (39 cm). Size M (Hip: 34.3 - 37.4 inches (87 - 95 cm). Size L: Hip 36.2 - 39.4 inches (92 - 1000 cm). Size LL).

Brand Story

見て「かわい~! 」身につける人が「買ってよかった」と満足できて、また、「買いたいな~」とリピーターになってくれる、そんな細部にわたって丁寧に仕上げたこだわりの商品をお手頃価格で販売しています。