
●High performance silicone for applications requiring high bandwidth, low latency, and high message transmission and reception rates
●World class cluster, network, and storage performance
●Smooth interconnect with X86, power, ARM, GPU-based computing and storage platforms
●Virtual Overlay Network VXLAN, NVGRE, GENEVE for advanced performance
●Efficient I/O consolidation and reduce data center cost and complexity


The ConnectX-4 EN Network Controller with 100Gb/s Ethernet delivers the highest performance and provides the most flexible solution for Web 2.0, Cloud Computing, Data Analysis, Databases and Storage platforms.

Shared and stored data in apps and social networks is rapidly increasing the need for high-speed, high-performance computing and storage data centers.

ConnectX-4EN provides exceptional high performance in most demanding data centers, public/private clouds, web 2.0, big data applications, and storage systems, allowing todays companies to handle the explosive growth of data.

ConnectX-4EN combines 100Gb/s bandwidth, minimum latency, and hardware off-road with a single port to meet todays and next generation of computing and storage data center needs.