Feature(may vary by option.)

●This product is a folding machine that can be easily washed by baby underwear or socks in a compact size that does not take up much space and is integrated into laundry and dehydration
●Small and portable, this laundry hamper can be used to safely wash and dehydrate baby clothes and underwear socks. It is foldable for easy storage
●Easy to wash baby underwear and socks in a foldable washing machine. Compact and space-saving integrated laundry and dehydration
●Introducing a foldable washing machine that can easily wash babys clothes and underwear socks, and the compact size does not take up much space and is integrated into the laundry and dehydration
●A compact size that can be easily washed by a folding machine, so it does not take up much space and is integrated with laundry and dehydration, making it easy to use



This product is a folding machine that can be easily washed by baby underwear or socks in a compact size that does not take up much space and is integrated into laundry and dehydration.