Feature(may vary by option.)

●50 kinds of aroma exquisite blend A fragrance that will love every time you bend

[Rich floral scent]

[Savon de Savon]

[Charming bouquet scent]

[Flower Harmony]


Product description

50 kinds of aroma exquisite blend A fragrance that will love every time. Formulated with mineral aroma that is more natural and soft and closely fragrant, lasts for 12 hours. Soft and comfortable for bare skin. Antibacterial*, odor-resistant, anti-static, and prevents laundry wrinkles. Rich floral fragrance is elegant and gracefully harmonious with rich floral patterns and a lustrous sweet amber. *Not all bacteria will inhibit the growth of


Surfactant (ester type dialkyl ammonium salt), fragrance, stabilizer