Feature(may vary by option.)

●Length: 3m
●Specifications: 3P straight AC plug cleaner
●Cable: Vinyl Cab Tire VCT-F1.25SQ x 3C (Oval Code)
●Rating: AC 125V 12A
●Please note that the appearance and specifications may change without prior notice





PSE compliant product.
This is an AC cord with a 3-prong plug on the vinyl cab tire cable used for computer power supplies.
Single cut type allows you to freely attach the connector to suit your needs.
Length: 9.8 ft (3 m)
Specifications: 3P straight AC plug cut
Cable: Vinyl Cab Tire VCT-F1.25SQ x 3C (Oval Code)
Rating: AC 125V 12A
Please note that the appearance and specifications may change without prior notice.