Feature(may vary by option.)

[Yellow × Red]


Product Description

Genuine leather made from high quality calf. Excellent functionality! The removable clasp allows it to be used as a coin case. Available in 6 great colors to choose from for a cute silhouette that is colored. Comes in a wide variety of colors, so it is also recommended to have a matching pair with couples. The leather is perfect for bags and accessories.

Brand Story

レザーブランド、"quitter"(クイッター)の商品は、 "本当に今欲しい物"·"このような物があればなと思うもの"を、 固定概念にとらわれず常に新しい発想や手法を取り入れながらデザインされ、 上質な素材を用いて、この道25数年の革職人さんによってHandMadeで作られています。