Feature(may vary by option.)

●Material: Stretch light cloth (87% nylon, 13% polyurethane)
●Features: Stretch
●Available sizes: S, M, L, O, XO, XA, XB
●Size S: Height: 5 ft 5.0 inches (165 cm), Chest: 34.6 inches
●Size M: Height 5 ft 6.9 inches (170 cm), Chest 36.2 inches
●Size L: Height 5 ft 8.9 inches (175 cm), Chest 37.8 inches
●Size O: Height: 5 ft 10.9 inches (180 cm), Chest: 39.4 inches

[XO S Navy]


Uses stretch light cloth, a fabric material recognized by the professional ball groups, which is lightweight and wind resistant.
It also has high elasticity, so it can be worn in a wide range of situations, from up to ball training.
Set up with DBX-3605L 3606L