Feature(may vary by option.)

●#491 in Boys Sneakers



Product Description

Plarail N700 series kids shoes. The belt type makes it easy to wear, and it is very popular with children who love trains. Flip the belt to reveal the driver! Sure to delight as a gift. The outer heel also has space for your name. This item can be used for a wide range of occasions, from commuting to kindergarten and going out.

Brand Story

「PLARAIL」は青いプラスチックのレールを組み合わせて、電池で動く列車模型を走らせるタカラトミーのおもちゃ。 66年の発売以来、幼児向けの鉄道おもちゃの代名詞的存在になっている。細部にこだわったデザインと可愛らしさで、大人にも人気。