Feature(may vary by option.)

●180 W with this Length is ideal for professionals or amateur boxing, kickboxing, Muay thai and MMA.
●Better fitting, stretchable material as compared to traditional handwraps. The polyester composition of these hand wraps makes for a more secure and comfortable than traditional cotton in combination with different terrains.
●Breathable and fast drying.
●A freely and keep your these wrap around the hands and the thumb loop and velcro closure for securely in place.











Sanabul 180" Boxing Kickboxing Muay Thai MMA Hand Wraps

180" length is perfect for professional and amateur boxing, kickboxing, Muay Thai, MMA
Great fit and stretchy material The polyester of this hand wrap provides a more secure and comfortable fit than traditional cotton.
Breathable and quick drying
Hold these wraps freely around your hand and secure with thumb loops and Velcro closures.

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